People with fuel oil heating must be rich!

I just read this article about oil for heating being taxed higher in Connecticut. So that’s not close to home but it brings up talking about fuel oil.

If you heat with fuel oil you must be rich. To afford that kind of heat is incredible. You’re not rich? then perhaps you haven’t seen the savings that new heat pump system offers.

We run operating cost scenarios, a lot, for customers switching to a high efficiency Heat Pump system and see real word, conservative (modest ranch homes), savings of well over $1200 a year! You can see why one might assume you’re rich if you’re throwing away $1200 a year.

Some people cringe when we say Heat Pump. Maybe they’ve lived with a heat pump before or know someone that did. They USE TO BE cold heat. Don’t worry, technology has advanced! Just as your tv and washer and fridge have become more functional and efficient, so have heat pumps. Thanks to Variable Speed fans and Comfort Heat technology Carrier offers a lot warmer heat out of heat pumps today. Heat that is very comfortable and with a humidifier is very close to the same comfort as a gas furnace.

So, you rich people using fuel oil, let’s talk about a heat pump system and you can find a more profitable way to invest that extra cash in your future!